?> Центрируйте для Здоровья и Образования Женщин - WHEC - Основные этапы работ

Центрируйте для Здоровья и Образования Женщин

Основные этапы работ

WHEC: График сотрудничества, посвященного здоровью и благополучию женщин и детей во всем мире


Side Events

1. 61st Commission for Social Development (CSocD) Session; 7 February 2023.

2. UN 2023 Water Conference; In-Person Side Event; 23 March 2023

3. 56th Commission on Population and Development (CPD) Session; 13 April 2023.

4. 8th Multistakeholder Forum of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Forum; 3 May 2023.

UN Documents / Publications

1. 61st Commission for Social Development (CSocD) Session: E/CN.5/2023/NGO/7

2. 67th Commission on Status of Women (CSW) Session: E/CN.6/2023/NGO/55

3. Water Action Agenda (WAA) # SDGAction 49770 and #SDGAction 50616

4. 56th Commission on Population and Development (CPD): E/CN.9/2023/NGO/9

5. 8th Multi-Stakeholder Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) Forum; Science-Policy Brief – Open Science to Achieve 2030 UN Agenda, 3 May 2023


Side Events

1. 60th Commission for Social Development (CSocD) Session; 11 February 2022.

2. 55th Commission on Population and Development (CPD) Session; 26 April 2022.

3. 7th Multistakeholder Forum of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Forum; 4 May 2022.

4. 2022 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF), 7 July 2022. WHEC’s e-Learning, e-Health and e-Governments Initiative: Improving Global Partnerships for Education and Health | High-Level Political Forum 2022 (un.org)

Details Here:


UN Documents / Publications

1. 60th Commission for Social Development (CSocD) Session: E/CN.5/2022/NGO/1

2. 55th Commission on Population and Development (CPD): E/CN.9/2022/NGO/2

3. 55th Commission on Population and Development (CPD): E/CN.9/2022/NGO/2

4. 2022 High-Level Political Forum (HLPF) - 2022 HLS (High-Level Segment): E/2022/NGO/XX

Available @:



8-17 февраля: 59th Commission for Social Development (CSocD); WHEC’s Written Statement; UN Document E/CN.5/2021/NGO/38

11 февраля: Side Event - Building the Capacity to Care; with WHO and WHO Academy.

19-23 апреля: 54th Session of Commission on Population and Development (CPD); WHEC’s Statement; UN Document E/CN09/2021/NGO/16

4 Май - STI Forum 2021: Session 1 - WHEC Statement 33079 - Looking back at the year 2020 that changed the world, and moving forward.

13 - 16 июля: 2021 Session of High-Level Segment; Written Statement; UN Document: E/2021/NGO/XX

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Women's Health & Education Center
Dedicated to Women's and Children's Well-being and Health Care Worldwide