?> Центрируйте для Здоровья и Образования Женщин - WHEC - Letters of Support - World Health Organization

Центрируйте для Здоровья и Образования Женщин

Letters of Support - World Health Organization

25 October 2004

Dear Dr Luthra,

Thank you for your letter of 15 October 2004 and congratulations to the Center on becoming associated with the UN-DPI. I would be pleased to share information about the Woman's Health and Education Center with relevant WHO departments, however, it will also be helpful to have the following information as well:

  • a copy of the Center's constitution or equivalent document;
  • copies of its membership lists;
  • list of its officers;
  • copies of its annual reports for the past three years and audited accounts;
  • copies of any evaluations of its projects and/or research reports produced by the Center;
  • if produced, a copy of its publications/media catalogue.

I take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in the work of WHO.

Yours sincerely,

Ms. J.S. Matsumoto
External Relations Officer
Office of the Civil Society Initiative

Women's Health & Education Center
Dedicated to Women's and Children's Well-being and Health Care Worldwide