Les Publications
- 69th Session of Commission on the Status of Women (CSW69)
UN Document: E/CN.6/2025/NGO/42
Title: Improving Higher Education Accessibility for Women, Girls, Minorities and Migrants
10 – 21 March 2025
- 63rd Session of Commission for Social Development (CSocD63)
UN Document: E/CN.5/2025/NGO/1
Title: Strategies for Higher Education for All: An International Initiative
10 – 14 February 2025
- 9th Multistakeholder Science, Technology, Innovation (STI) Forum
Science-Policy-Brief; Harnessing the Power of Digital Innovation; SDG 16
Title: Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Considerations in Neurotechnology
9 – 10 May 2024
- 57th Session of Commission on Population and Development
UN Document: E/CN.9/2024/NGO/9
Title: Life-long education, economic and social participation: A Framework for Healthy Ageing
29 April-3 May 2024
- 23rd Session of Committee on Public Administration (CEPA)
Agenda item 6: Principles of effective governance for sustainable development
Title: Achieving Education- and Health-for-All
15 – 19 April 2024
- 68th Session of Commission on the Status of Women (CSW68)
UN Document: E/CN.6/2024/NGO/87
Title: Social Justice in an Open World: Our Role and Our Initiatives
11 – 22 March 2024
- 62nd Session of Commission for Social Development (CSocD62)
UN Document: E/CN.5/2024/NGO/30
Title: Investing in Human Capacities and Wellbeing to Achieve 2030 UN Agenda
5 – 14 February 2024
- 8th Multistakeholder Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Forum
Science-Policy Brief; Science and tech policy, Cooperation and Standards
Title: Open Science to Achieve United Nations 2030 Agenda 3 Mai 2023
- 56th Session of Commission on Population and Development (CPD)
UN Document: E/CN.9/2023/NGO/9
Title: Rethinking the Purpose and Content of Education for the 21st Century: Our Efforts
10 - 14 Avril 2023
- UN 2023 Water Conference
Registered Water Action Agenda (WAA); #SDGAction49770; and #SDGAction5061
Title: Water & Sanitation: Essential for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health
Title: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Implementation for Schools and Healthcare Facilities
22 - 24 Mars 2023
- 67 Session of Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67)
UN Document: E/CN.6/2023/NGO/55
Title: Creating a Level Playing Field for Girls and Women in Technology: Our Efforts
6 - 17 Mars 2023
- 61st Session of Commission for CSocD (CSocD61)
UN Document: E/CN.5/2023/NGO/7
Title: Improving Digital Cooperation - Placing Women and Girls at The Center of Fair-Wages Policy
6 - 15 Février 2023
- 2022 EOSOC High-Level Segment; Agenda item 5
UN Document: E/2022/NGO/XX
Title: Role of Science & Technology in Building Back Better Juillet 2022
- 55th Session on Population and Development (CPD)
UN Document: E/CN.9/2022/NGO/2
Title: Making science and technology work better for inclusive economic growth 25 - 29 Avril 2022
- 66th Session of Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
UN Document: E/CN.6/2022/NGO/123
Title: Women belong at the Peace Table 14 - 25 Mars 2022
- 60th Session of Commission for Social Development (60CSocD)
UN Document: E/CN.5/2022/NGO/1
Title: Civil Society and e-Commerce Can Help Reverse Inequality 7 - 16 Février 2022
- 2021 ECOSOC High-Level Segment; Agenda item 5
UN Document: E/2021/NGO/XX
Title: COVID-19: One War That Must Be Fought Together 13 - 16 Juillet 2021
- STI Forum 2021: Session 1 - Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic
Women's Health and Education Center (WHEC) Statement;
Title: Looking back at the year 2020 that changed the world, and moving forward. 4 Mai 2021
- 54th Session of Commission on Population and Development (CPD)
UN Document: E/CN.9/2021/NGO/16
Title: Strengthening global partnership (SDG17) through food security and public health 19 - 23 Avril 2021
- 59th Session of Commission for Social Development (59CSocD)
UN Document: E/CN.5/2021/NGO/38
Title: The role of digital technologies in social development and well-being of all 8 - 17 Février 2021
- 2020 ECOSOC High-Level segment; Agenda item 5
UN Document: E/2020/NGO/1
Title: Efforts of WHEC in the provision of e-Governments and Integrated e-Health Care 7 Juillet - 16 Juillet 2020
- 53rd Session of Commission on Population and Development
UN Document: E/CN.9/2020/NGO/1
Title: Healthy mother healthy infant through nutrition - The need for strategic planning and promotion 30 Mars - 3 Avril 2020
- 64th Session of Commission on the Status of Women
UN Document: E/CN.6/2020/NGO/118
Title: Empowering women and communities through education, health and technology: a concept note 9 - 20 Mars 2020
- 58th Session of Commission for Social Development
UN Document: E/CN.5/2020/NGO/60
Title: Our initiatives for achieving Universal Health Coverage based on concepts of equality and reducing poverty – A Concept Note 10 - 19 Février 2020
- 52nd Session of Commission on Population and Development
UN Document: E/CN.9/2019/NGO/3
Title: Affordable contraception counselling and services to improve compliance and achieve 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda 1 - 5 Avril 2019
- 57th Session of Commission for Social Development
UN Document: E/CN.5/2019/NGO/1
Title: Ending Child Marriage and Protecting Vulnerable Girls & Women 11 - 21 Février 2019
- 51st Session of Commission on Population and Development
UN Document: E/CN.9/2018/NGO/2
Title: Building the capacity to care 9 - 13 Avril 2018
- 2015 Session, High-level segment: annual ministerial review, Agenda item 5 (C )
UN Document: E/2015/NGO/2
Title: Development of e-Health educational programs in collaboration with UN Secretary-General’s initiative Every Woman Every Child 1 Août 2014 - 22 Août 2015
- 2014 Session, High-level segment: annual ministerial review, Item 5 (C ) of the provisional agenda
UN Document: E/2014/NGO/53
Title: LINK (learning, innovating, networking and knowledge) Access Project to provide reproductive health research worldwide. 7 Mai 2014
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Reference #: November 2007;85:821-900
Title: Contraception counselling and compliance Novembre 2007
- UN Chronicle
No. 4, Vol XLIV 2007
Title: Improving Maternal Health through Education: Safe Motherhood is a necessity
Title: Article-Improving Maternal Health through Education: Safe Motherhood is a necessity
Décembre 2007
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Reference #: November 2006;84:919
Title: Health care patents and interests of patients Novembre 2006
- Contemporary OB/GYN
Page # 120
Title: The Internet as a classroom in women’s health Septembre 2006
- Bulletin of the World Health Organization
Reference #: July 2005;83:557
Title: Internet health learning to improve women’s health Juillet 2005
- UN Chronicle
No. 2, 2005
Title: Safe Motherhood: A Matter of Human Rights and Social Justice Juin - Août 2005
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