
Women's Health and Education Center (WHEC)

Healthcare Policies & Women's Health

List of Articles

  • Medical Negligence: A Return to Trust
    Science and law must coexist. It would be for the good of all if this relationship were a mutually helpful one; at the very least neither one should exploit the other.

  • The Business of Health -- Can we afford to ignore reality?
    In USA there is no medical care crisis. It is a medical cost crisis. The health care delivery system needs a major reform. A plan for quality medical care for everyone that preserves our choices is needed.

    Please send your thoughts and opinion for publication.

  • Adapting to Change Learning Program
    In December 2000, 149 heads of state and or government and 189 Member States jointly endorsed the Millennium Declaration, thereby committing themselves to achieving, by 2015, ambitious goals including reducing poverty, hunger and disease. These goals are known collectively as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and they will serve as a basis for recording progress in development for the next 15 years.

  • Health Care Crisis in the USA
    Discusses the rising cost of health care due to social and medico-legal pressures which are responsible for the over-utilization of diagnostic techniques and various treatments.

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Women's Health & Education Center
Dedicated to Women's and Children's Well-being and Health Care Worldwide