
Women's Health and Education Center (WHEC)


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  • Contraception Counseling & Compliance
    Contraception is a women's health issue. It is about choices and human rights, not fear, guilt and shame. The negative images and concepts perceived regarding family planning and contraception in some religious and social arenas are the major factors for non-compliance and meager usage of birth control methods in many areas of the world. The purpose of this document is to help healthcare providers and women to identify their individual health care needs, and to make choices that will meet those needs. It also means that the patient has satisfied her personal preferences and arrived at the choice that best fits her life. A fundamental tenet in ethical, female-centered care is that women have a right to participate in their choice of contraceptive method. A woman who has actively chosen a method is more likely to use it consistently and correctly. Health benefits of hormonal contraception are also discussed. All contraception-methods offer health benefits in terms of reduced risk of unintended pregnancy, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy complications, and pregnancy-related death. The help comes in focusing attention on the section of society with the most desperate needs.

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Women's Health & Education Center
Dedicated to Women's and Children's Well-being and Health Care Worldwide